"And the Lord is the One who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear, or be dismayed."
~Deuteronomy 31:8~
What a year 2009 has been. At the beginning of 2009, I remember asking Him if this could be a year in which I saw His hand in every single aspect and detail of my life. And that I did. I am so humbled by His presence - How faithful He is in the joys, as well as in the sorrows. I learned a long time ago that I do not want to walk one single trial without Him by my side. This year, I learned that I also do not care to walk one single joyous event without Him by my side. He has been so present and so very real to me this year, that I can honestly say as Moses did in Exodus 33, "If Thy presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here" (Exodus 33:15). In other words ... If You're not going with me Lord, I'm just plain not going. Because to have to walk one day without You, would have to be the most frightening thing I can imagine.
Deuteronomy 31:8 was given to me by a older and wiser friend when I was experiencing some sorrow earlier this week. I was again led to this passage in Deuteronomy a few days later on January 1 as I sat and recounted before the Lord all the many ways I had felt His presence and seen His hand at work through the past year. There are 2 things I believe the Word of God calls us to pay close attention to in this verse, especially as we enter this brand new year and chapter of life:
1. He is the God who goes ahead of you: "And the Lord is the One who goes ahead of you ... " In this passage of Scripture, Moses is charging Joshua to accept the high calling of leading the people of Israel into their promised land, into the land which the Lord had sworn to their fathers, the land they would receive as their inheritance (Deuteronomy 31:7). You can bet that Moses, at the age of 120 years old, knew the character of His God.
Deuteronomy 31:8 was given to me by a older and wiser friend when I was experiencing some sorrow earlier this week. I was again led to this passage in Deuteronomy a few days later on January 1 as I sat and recounted before the Lord all the many ways I had felt His presence and seen His hand at work through the past year. There are 2 things I believe the Word of God calls us to pay close attention to in this verse, especially as we enter this brand new year and chapter of life:
1. He is the God who goes ahead of you: "And the Lord is the One who goes ahead of you ... " In this passage of Scripture, Moses is charging Joshua to accept the high calling of leading the people of Israel into their promised land, into the land which the Lord had sworn to their fathers, the land they would receive as their inheritance (Deuteronomy 31:7). You can bet that Moses, at the age of 120 years old, knew the character of His God.
2. He is the God who will not fail you: "He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear, or be dismayed." The Greek translation for fail used in this context is to slack. Our God, girls, will never ever in a million years slack off on our behalf. He is always in tune, always at work, and always ahead of the game.
So, what will I ask Him for this year? I will beg Him with all I've got, for 2010 to be yet another year where I see His hand intertwined throughout the details of life. Why? Because I am so deeply and unashamedly in need of the presence of God in my life. Both in the big things, as well as in the day-to-day things. And I will trust Him to lead me, because He alone knows where I am going.
As we approach this new year, may we hold fast and unswervingly to the remarkable truth that He who created us, also desires to lead us. And not only will He walk alongside of us, showing us which way is best ... He also will walk ahead of us, paving the way. Paving the way, through 2010.
May 2010 be the year that you see God work on your behalf in ways you never imagined. Blessings to you!
1 comment:
Thanks, Heather. This was such an encouragement today. Some times a new beginning is a relief, other times it can seem terrifying. But our God is so faithful. Love you.
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