"Surely every man walks about like a shadow;
Surely they busy themselves in vain."
Psalm 39:6
My check list was three pages long today. Yikes. Most of this stuff has just piled up over the past few weeks and last night I couldn't take it any longer so I started a list. A list that went on ... and on ... and on. I opened my Bible this morning to the above verse and it struck me with such force. I was captivated by Spurgeon's commentary on this specific verse. He says:
Life is but a passing pageant. Worldly men walk like travelers in a mirage, deluded, soon to be filled with disappointment and despair. Men fret, and fume, and worry, and all for mere nothing. Read well this text, and then listen to the clamor of the market, the hum of the exchange, the din of the city streets, and remember that all this noise (for so the word means) is made about unsubstantial, fleeting vanities. (The Crossway Commentaries, Psalms Vol 1, 160)
Let's not fail to notice that Spurgeon says that worldly men walk in this manner.
I took this Scripture to the next level, applying it to myself as a sort of challenge: As a believer and follower of Christ, am I walking in a manner that resembles worldly men? Or in a manner that resembles Christ my King?
"Surely every man walks about like a shadow ..."
The NIV translates this "like a mere phantom." I believe the psalmist is referring to people who walk around with no purpose.
Sometimes as believers we can get very caught up in "finding our purpose." I am a huge advocate of believers operating in the area of their giftedness - In fact, I am absolutely ecstatic about this. I believe Psalm 139 and Ephesians 2:10 and 1 Corinthians 12 testify to God's unique and creative hand print on each and every one of us. However, at times we can get so caught up in "finding our purpose" that we forget who we were created by and for - We forget that He IS our purpose.
People who do not know God have great reason to walk around purposeless. As believers, we do not! We should not just identify with Jesus, but find our identity in Him.
People who do not know God have great reason to walk around purposeless. As believers, we do not! We should not just identify with Jesus, but find our identity in Him.
"For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities;
all things have been created through Him and for Him."
(Colossians 1:16)
"... Surely they busy themselves in vain."
There are specific times in my life that I can recall when I wasted much precious time. It is extremely sad for me to think back on those times. I allowed vain distractions to stand in the way of God's best. I wasted time busying myself with things that had no eternal value, when I could have been serving God with my time.
When we busy ourselves in vain, it is for our benefit and not God's. We have ourselves in mind.
Getting caught up in ourselves and in our own circumstances is a trap. It keeps us inactive and unproductive for the work of God. I truly believe this. This is why time after time in Scripture we are called to humble ourselves before God for His Kingdom use. This is why we are given godly examples of people in Scripture who asked for more of God and less of themselves. Because in our flesh, we are destined for dissatisfaction and utter despair. We have to begin to see ourselves as the tool God uses. My sweet pastor often says that there are two types of people: those who believe God is here for them, and those who believe they are here for God. Which one are you?
Are you walking around aimless and in despair? Are you wasting precious time worrying, fretting and venting about your current circumstances?
Or are you using every opportunity to bring God glory through your daily life? Are you walking with purpose, even on those days when the "to do list" is 3 pages long?
To sum it up: Your life matters. Resemble your Creator, and not this world.
Be encouraged, sweet friend, to walk with purpose.
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