Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pursuing Faith and Godliness: A Walk Through 1 Timothy

Hello Ladies!

I am currently embarking upon a 3-week walk through the book of 1 Timothy. An amazing instruction book for standing firm in our faith, and being encouraged in our pursuit of godliness. Who would I rather invite to accompany me along this 3-week journey through this Awe-Inspired book, than you all?? I have broken the readings down into 3 weeks, which I have listed below. I am going to try to pull out several truths from each week's study and post them. Here is a suggested guideline for our Walk through 1 Timothy:

~Week One~
Day One: 1 Timothy 1:1-11
Day Two: 1 Timothy 1:12-20
Day Three: 1 Timothy 2:1-8
Day Four: 1 Timothy 2:9-15
Day Five: 1 Timothy 3:1-10

~Week Two~
Day One: 1 Timothy 3:11-16
Day Two: 1 Timothy 4:1-8
Day Three: 1 Timothy 4:9-16
Day Four: 1 Timothy 5:1-10
Day Five: 1 Timothy 5:11-25

~Week Three~
Day One: 1 Timothy 6:1-10
Day Two: 1 Timothy 6:11-16
Day Three: 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Day Four: 1 Timothy 6:20-21

One suggestion is to invest in a journal or notebook of some sort. I love reading Scripture, then going back and reading it a second time choosing a verse that stands out to me and challenges, convicts, or blesses me. We will call that our "Take-Away" verse. I encourage you to find your Take-Away, and expand upon that verse in your journal. Write your Take-Away down, followed by some thought-provoking questions such as these: (Feel free to use this as your model.)

I. What does this verse say? (State the facts of the verse.)
II. What does this verse mean? (State the spiritual application or meaning of the verse.)
III. What does this verse mean to me? (Make it personal. Ask yourself: Am I currently applying this verse to my life? If not, what can I do to implement this truth into your everyday life, or a particular situation I am facing?)

By the end of our walk through 1 Timothy, we will each have at least 14 Take-Aways, that will no doubt encourage us in our pursuit of faith and godliness. You will be amazed at how the reading and studying of the Word of God will usher you into a deeper and more effective prayer life with your God.

My favorite Take-Away from 1 Timothy so far: "The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith" (1 Timothy 1:5).

This is gonna be gooood, y'all. :)

Joining you in pursuit of His instruction,