Thursday, October 29, 2009

One of my Fave's in Life

One of my most favorite parts of fall is that Starbucks brings back the Pumpkin Spice Latte.

A few weeks into the fall season, I received a phone call from my husband. This is how the conversation went:

Him: "Babe???"

Me: "Yes?" [Thinking: uh oh ... what did I do?]

Him: "So like, when you go to Starbucks, you eat there too?"

Me: [Totally confused.] "Umm no. Not really. Not ever. Why, babe?"

Him: "Oh ok because it's like $5. I was assuming you were eating there as well. Isn't that sort of expensive for a cup of coffee?"

Me: "Oh no babe. It's not a cup of coffee. It's my pumpkin spice latte." [Poor thing ... If he only drank coffee, he would maybe understand the necessity of those Star"bucks."]

Ok, fast forward a few weeks. A few weeks in which I had exerted much self-control, only allowing myself a FEW pumpkin spice lattes. A few pumpkin spice lattes ... in a few weeks. Translation: That's like one a week. Hello?!? Accomplishment? YES.

Yeah well, just go ahead and take a look at this photo that was sent to me last weekend. From none other than guess who?? My husband.

Yep, it's as you suspected. His very own pumpkin spice latte! We won't even mention what ELSE is in that picture. Now, that's just sacrilegious. No, not that he's eating Krispy Kreme AND drinking a pumpkin spice latte. But that he's umm partaking in those two activities, WITHOUT ME!

Oh well. I guess I should look on the bright side of things. I will now spend much less time brainstorming as to how I can justify those pumpkin spice splurges. Me and Starbucks have him on our team now! YES!

We will not let you down, boo. You will not be disappointed that you made the decision to come over to our side. Your life will be extra caffeinated and ultra festive. And maybe a little bit spicy. Excited yet? I thought so.

Now ... Don't you think we should probably increase our budget slightly to accommodate for some additional Star"bucks"?

1 comment:

Jenny Lynn said...

I love it :)
Maybe since the best friend does it, Worker Man will come around. It always seems that Worker Man is a lot more interested in something if your husband is also interested.