Monday, November 15, 2010

1 Corinthians Bible Study: Week One

Hi Friends!

We are beginning a Bible Study this week on 1 Corinthians, as this video explains [I feel so ridiculous doing this video, FYI ... ].  I would love for you to join in!  For this week, we will be reading the following Scripture together:

Week One Reading Guide
Day 1 - 1 Corinthians 1:1-3
Day 2 - 1 Corinthians 1:4-9
Day 3 - 1 Corinthians 1:10-12
Day 4 - 1 Corinthians 1:13-16
Day 5 - 1 Corinthians 1:17

For each day, I would encourage you to follow this particular Bible Study format:

Step One: Learn from the Word.
Simply list the facts from the Scripture you read.  Do not paraphrase, using your own words.  Simply list the important facts. 

Step Two: Listen to the Word.
What do you believe God is saying to His people through this Scripture? Is there a warning, a promise, a command, a challenge, an encouragement?  Draw a spiritual truth out of this passage.

Step Three: Live out the Word.  
Take the spiritual truth from Step Two and make it personal, by turning it into the form of a question -- a question directed at yourself, leaving time for personal reflection.  

Additional Study Questions:
Day 1: Am I setting myself apart from the world?  Am I available for His work? 
Day 2: Is my life enriched by knowing God?  Do others see that?
Day 3: Am I following Christ or more concerned with following man?
Day 4: Is my service rooted in His ability or my own?
Day 5: Is sharing the Gospel a priority in my life?

On Mondays, we will have a summary of the previous week.

So: Read the Word, Do the 3-Step Study Method, then reflect on the Additional Study Questions.  Then, come back each Monday for a summary on the Scripture studied and the next week's reading guide.  

Please comment on this blog post or email if you are participating in this study!  


Beth Anne said...

Can't wait to get started! I know God will bless so many through this study. Thanks for doing this!!

Cara Craver said...

You are so amazing! I am for sure reading/studying along with you...and asking several friends to join us! Thank you for taking this step of faith!

Kristin said...

Thank you for sharing! I can't wait to get started!

Austin Pulliam said...

Can't wait! So excited!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather.I would love to participate!!!!

Jenny Lynn said...

I'm so excited! Thank you :)

Unknown said...


Your mother-in-law is a dear friend of mine, and she shared Hints of Hope with me. I am looking forward to joining your Bible study. The "Learn, Listen and Live Out the Word" approach is simple and effective. Thanks for sharing your faith and providing women an awesome way to know the Lord and His Word, and be connected to someone like you who desires to grow spiritually. You will continue to be blessed by God for sharing your faith and guiding others to Him.

Ashley said...

Hi Heather!
Bethanne told me about your study and I am excited about it! I told Ashley and I think she is going to join in as well. Thank you for doing this.

Love Being A Nonny said...

I wanted you to know that I am participating. I am playing *Catch-up* today getting ready for Week 2. Thank you Heather!