Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Restoration: A Choice

"He restores my soul."
Psalm 23:3a

My Bible study leader made the following statement last week during her lecture.  I have had the concept of restoration on my heart for the past month or so, so her timing was impeccable.  

So often we miss out on how God wants to restore us
because we don't want to admit we've done anything wrong. - AV

Her comment was in reference to the story of Cain and Abel.  [Read Genesis 4 if you need a refresher.]  After presenting an offering less than his brother's, Cain rebelled in anger toward the Lord.  His own resentment led him to kill his own brother, Abel.  Before going through with the murder, the Lord approached Cain in effort to prompt his heart to confession, repentance and ultimately restoration with Himself.

"The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 
but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. 
So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.

Then the Lord said to Cain, 'Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 
If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? 
But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; 
it desires to have you, but you must rule* over it.'"
(Genesis 4:4b-7)

*The New American Standard Bible uses the word master in verse 7, it's origin meaning to rule, to have power, to have dominion over, reign.  

The Lord's words in Genesis 4:6-7 acted as a warning to Cain of the sin that was fixin' (as my husband likes to say) to approach.  

Psalm 23:3a is one of those Scriptures that is just so precious to me.  I think it is because the whole idea of the Lord restoring my soul just overwhelms me.  Physical healing is one dynamic thing, but the idea of the Author & Creator of the Universe healing my soul -- the storehouse of all my emotions, thoughts, frailties, insecurities; my inmost being -- yes, this is absolutely astonishing to me.  

God was so gracious to Cain.  He saw his anger, his entitlement, his bitterness, and He still longed for a relationship with Cain.  He desperately longed for Cain to accept his offer of restoration.  

You see, the problem with Cain is that he didn't want to admit he had done anything wrong ...  

Something tells me there are many of us walking around like Cain.  On the verge of allowing sin to rule and reign over us, to master us, to have power and dominion over us.  Too prideful to admit our wrongs.

What is bothering you?  Deep in your soul?  Like Cain, perhaps you have been plagued with jealousy, resentment, or bitterness?  Are you overcome with temptation?  Do you struggle with insecurity, inadequacy, insufficiency?  Is there someone you hate or someone you have hurt?  What are you hanging onto that is unproductive and could lead to future sin? 

Maybe you don't even know what is bothering you, but you feel that something is just not right in your heart ... 

Take some time today to pray to God.  Ask Him to reveal to you the contents of your soul.  Then spend some time confessing those tender spots to Him.  Ask Him to bring to your mind how you need to repent.  Then repent.  Turn away and ask Him to help you change.  He promises to walk with you every step.

But it's a choice ... 

Glorious restoration awaits you.  Restoration with the Father.  
Don't be like Cain.  Accept God's gracious invitation for healing.  

Our souls were not meant to bear the weight of our burdens...
They were meant to live freely in the restoration of God.    

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