"So teach us to number our days,
that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom."
Psalm 90:12
I chuckle as I type out this title ... Getting back on track ... simultaneously glancing at the date of my most recent blog post: June 23. Yikes.
It's all good. Thank you for extending grace to me. It has been a busy season and I am working desperately at getting back on track.
Yesterday morning as I sat at the feet of Jesus for a few minutes before my little one awoke, I was led to the precious Scripture in Psalm 90 noted above.
Do I even comprehend the truth that I serve a God who is willing to teach me to number my days? And that through that daily discipline, I will gain wisdom. God-inspired wisdom ...
I don't know about you, but I am desperate for His teaching in this area. I am not disciplined by nature. To those of you who are, do you realize what a gift that is?!
I had coffee with a friend about a month or so ago and we were discussing how if you are not in some sort of routine (especially with little ones), you can so quickly become overwhelmed and frustrated. Feeling as though you are getting absolutely nothing accomplished.
As I prayed and meditated on the above verse, I was challenged so deeply to commit my days - each and every day - to Jesus. To ask Him what is on my agenda for that day. To ask Him to help me to be disciplined and purposeful in my tasks.
So, how do I keep my days both practical and spiritual?
Practical: One thing that has really helped is for me to keep an agenda that has a spot to write daily tasks. I like to do this at the end of each day. This way, when I wake up in the morning I am not asking myself, "What is on my agenda for the day?" I already know.
Spiritual: For me, it is so important for me to begin my day with Jesus. To intentionally invite Him into my day. I am trying desperately to set my alarm for a little earlier, get up, take my shower, brew my coffee, then head downstairs to spend some quiet time with the Lord. Hopefully the baby sleeps until I'm done (today he did not!).
What about you? Do you have "routine" tips that help you through the day, that have proved to keep you on track? Please share!
"O satisfy us in the morning with Thy lovingkindness,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days."
Psalm 90:14
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