Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The bread of Idleness

"She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness."
(Proverbs 31:27)

I was on the phone with a friend this morning and we were discussing how we would like to commit to being more intentional in our planning during this new year.  We are holding each other accountable of being less last-minute and more prepared for special moments throughout the year.  It was her idea.  I kind of just jumped on the band wagon.  {One that I desperately need to jump on!} As I hung up the phone and came upstairs to my desk for a few short minutes with the Lord, I opened my Bible to Proverbs 31 and my eyes hit verse 27, listed above.

Idleness: lacking worth or basis.  

This reminded me of the conversation I had just had a few short minutes prior with my sweet friend.  How would our lives be different if we earnestly prayed for deliberate focus?  

I don't know about you, but my personality tends to be a go-go-go one.  I don't sit down and relax well.  Many would think this is a positive attribute as they assume I am super productive in my days.  Unfortunately, many days I lay down in bed and feel as though I have gotten nothing accomplished at all.  This is because I am not always {ahem} organized.  My husband would be shaking his head in agreement if he were looking over my shoulder right now.  In fact, he would begin telling you all about how before I met him I never emptied a purse after purchasing a new one -- just dumped the old one (contents and all) into my closet and started fresh.  This made him a very happy man when he was the one who decided to clean out all those old purses.  Needless to say, he found all sorts of treasures and goodies.  He was most excited about the monetary surprises, not the thousands of lip glosses.  

Alright, back on track!

When I think of idleness, I think of time wasted on worthless things.  I think about worthless conversations, which we are warned about in Scripture ... 

"But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness." (2 Timothy 2:16, NASB)

Don't even get me started on how many opportunities we have on a daily ... ok, hourly basis to partake in worldly and empty chatter.  Instead, we are encouraged through Scripture to commit to a higher calling:

"Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ."  (Philippians 1:27)

When you and I eat the bread of idleness, we invite something else other than God to take the seat on the throne of our hearts.  The Bible warns us time and again that we are not to give our hearts to worthless idols.

"Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to Your Word." (Psalm 119:37)

Proverbs 31:27 can be applied to our lives both practically and spiritually.  The role model that is set for us in this particular Scripture is one of great discipline.  She is precise in her daily activities - whether it is serving her husband, taking care of her family, running her business, or spending time with her God.  Her life is not meant to be an unfathomable standard.  

So today, I made it a point to be intentional.  I do not say this to boast in myself, because the Lord alone knows I would be absolutely nothing without His guidance and grace.  I would be lost in a sea of old purses, completely a mess.  It went so well that I think I'll try it again tomorrow ... God-willing!

This is the point: Life is short.  We have an unbelievable opportunity to bring our God praise through how we decide to spend our time.  I am guilty so much of the time of dropping the ball in this area.  I want so desperately to be better.  Instead of succumbing to eating the bread of idleness, let's commit to intentional living.  I think we will be amazed at how different life can be when we are focused on bringing Him glory with our time and attention.  

Our lives are worth something.  
Let's live like it!   


Love Being A Nonny said...

Oh, I love this post!

Unknown said...

Great post, heather!! It is a great reminder :)