Sunday, March 15, 2009

Unshackled: Freed up to Believe

"O LORD, truly I am Your servant;
You have freed me from my chains."
(Psalm 116:16)

Brokenness, Healing, Rebuilding, Passion Ignited, Letting go, Throwing off, Repentance, Forgiveness, Obedience, Satisfaction, Longing, Surrender, Desire to Believe, Doubt/Unbelief, Warfare, Desperation, Clinging, Humility, Peace, Intolerance of Unbelief, Freedom to Believe

For the past 90-120 days of my life, the Lord Jesus Himself has dealt with me on every single one of the above 21 "spiritual stops," as I'm calling them. We have been on a journey - He and I. And what a whirlwind of a journey it has been (and continues to be). I am in awe of the specificity of our God. The Lord has led me to visit (and at times re-visit ... re-visit ... and re-visit again) the above 21 spiritual stops. From brokenness all the way down to (Hallelujah! in my best faux operatic singing voice) freedom to believe, the Lord nudged me along, encouraging me to finish this particular race. And a race it has been! All of this in 90 days - Are you kidding me?! I know what you're thinking ... Man, she had a lot of issues! Yep, you're right. I certainly did.

God began to speak the concept of being "unshackled" into my heart a few months ago. Lord, I prayed, I want to be that! I want to be unshackled ... freed up to believe You. I mean, wholeheartedly believe You. You see, up to this point my belief-life had been very wishy-washy. On again, off again. There's gotta be more to this, I thought. I need some consistency in believing my God. What I was about to realize was profound, life-changing, and yet extremely disappointing. I began to realize (and witness first-hand) what a horrible stronghold unbelief can have over our lives. And it's everywhere. Makes me absolutely nauseous. It's in the church, it's in our Bible studies, it's in our praying, it's in our talking, our walking, our decision-making ... It just shows up wherever the opportunity presents itself. And sometimes, y'all - We invite it there ourselves! (Gasp.) Don't believe me? Do any of the following sound vaguely familiar?

God has forgotten me.
This situation will never change.
I guess this is just 'God's will' ...
I'm not spiritual enough to be blessed by God.
Some things never change.
This isn't what I prefer, but I'll just settle.
God doesn't care about a detail this small.
What? Like He has a road map for my life?
He could never use me like that.

Gross. Rebuke comments that resemble those above as quickly as they cross your mind! They are worthless. Meant to do nothing but destroy and downplay your faith in Jesus. Rather, fix your attention on such Truths:

"...So that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power." (1 Corinthians 2:5)

"'My righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.' But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved." (Hebrews 10:38-19)

"See to it, (sisters), that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God." (Hebrews 3:12)

God wants to unshackle us, sisters. He wants to lead us along a journey, taking time to personally walk us through our issues, and turning them into "spiritual stops." Mile markers of His faithfulness, of His touch, of His presence in our lives.

21 spiritual stops later, I can honestly, humbly, and hooray-ishly say ... I am unshackled. (And yes, I know hooray-ishly is not a word ... but how else do I describe this new found revelation, this new found place of freedom!?) The Lord Himself has freed me up to believe Him. And He desperately wants to do the same for you.

Alright, I'm off to believe God for all He's asking me to believe Him for. Want to join me?

Let's ask God to remove our shackles.
That we might be freed up to believe Him ...
to take Him at His Word.

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