Sunday, January 11, 2009

Are you there, Lord?

"Does He who implanted the ear not hear? Does He who formed the eye not see? Does He who disciplines nations not punish? Does He who teaches lack knowledge? The LORD knows the thoughts of man; He knows that they are futile." (Psalm 94:9-11)

Next time you contemplate that perhaps God cannot hear your prayer, that He is not present amidst your circumstances, that He has no instruction or advice to lend to your situation - Remember that He is the author of Life. He is the Creator of sound, of sight, of wisdom.

"He made you hear; can he not himself hear? Unanswerable question! It overwhelms the skeptic, and covers him with confusion. He gives us vision; is it conceivable that he has no sight himself? If there be a God, he must be a personal intelligent being, and no limit can be set to his knowledge" (Spurgeon, Psalms: Vol. II).

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