"Because you have satisfied me, God, I promise to do everything you say. I beg you from the bottom of my heart: smile, be gracious to me just as you promised. When I took a long, careful look at your ways, I got my feet back on the trail you blazed. I was up at once, didn't drag my feet, was quick to follow your orders ...
I get up in the middle of the night to thank you; your decisions are so right, so true - I can't wait till morning! I'm a friend and companion of all who fear you, of those committed to living by your rules. Your love, God, fills the earth! Train me to live by your counsel." (Psalm 119:57-64, The Message)
I just have to tell you something on this beautiful snow-covered afternoon. God has satisfaction and fulfillment in mind for you, dear sister. It is possible. It is achievable. It is not just an unrealistic fantasy - It can be a reality. Through Jesus, we have the ability to let go of years upon years of failures, fears, struggles, bondages.
Fear really can be driven out of your everyday life. You really can forgive that person. Bitterness really can be overcome. Anger, frustration, jealousy, resentment, insecurity, anxiety and stress - Strongholds in our lives that have the ability to completely overtake our minds - they really can just vanish.
It begins with our own acting out on obedience. If we can simply agree to follow God's orders, submitting in obedience, He will bless us. We just have to DO the thing He's asking us to DO.
If we know this, then why is it that we all too often, drag out feet?? You know the deal: We know we should stop gossipping about that family member or co-worker ... but we don't. We know we should stop over-indulging in food that makes us unhealthy ... but we don't. We know we should serve in that area of ministry in our local church ... but we don't. We know we should stop worrying ... but we don't. We know we should stop complaining or nagging ... but we don't. We know we should stop procrastinating ... but we don't. We know we should end that relationship that brings us down ... but we don't. We know we should pick up the phone and mend that broken friendship ... but we don't.
I have a sweet family member who was recently faced with a tough decision. God was asking something of her that was difficult. She was having to reorganize her life quite a bit. It was an uncomfortable process, as many people whom she loved, did not see eye-to-eye on this situation. You know, in their eyes, she was quite possibly being a little "too extreme." Extreme, no ... Biblical, yes. She was agreeing with God to make a decision that went against the grain. As she was thinking through some of the details that went along with this decision, I said to her: "Just do it. Blessing follows obedience. God is asking you to step out in faith and believe Him. Carry your obedience out." She committed to her decision, acted it out, and God provided the details. Praise God!
What is God asking you to DO?
Be intentional in the doing. God will bless you. And then you know what will happen next? You'll desire to keep on doing. Because you will find satisfaction in being obedient to God. What a wonderful and marvelous process. Now, let's stop dragging ... and start doing. Be quick to follow His orders. Satisfaction and Fulfillment are awaiting you!
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