Friday, March 26, 2010

What's Burning???

Here is some comedic relief for your Friday afternoon.

So, I had an appointment with a client this afternoon. He sits down across from me at my desk and immediately asks me, "What's burning???"

I breathe in and don't really smell anything. So I say quite matter-of-factly, "Oh, it's most likely my computer. It's been giving me a very hard time. I'm actually picking up a new one next week."

A few minutes later when he has left my office, I suddenly get a whiff of that burning smell.

And I am almost 99.9% sure that the burning smell ...

Is coming from ...

My hair.

Why would my hair smell like something was on FIRE, you ask?

Well, let me just tell you why. Because I admittedly suck the ever-loving LIFE out of one particular hair product of mine: My TIGI Bedhead curling iron.

This was a gift to me for Christmas from my husband. The same curling iron they used on my hair for my wedding, and I love it so much because my hair stays curly all day long when I use it.

Hmmm ... Wonder why???

Because it evidently FRIES every hair on your HEAD ...

And leaves the smell to prove it.

Perhaps my hair is another one of those things my husband would refer to as "perfectly scorched"??


{And I would just like to add that the same client just walked back into my office for a moment and once again smelled the burning scent. I just couldn't do it. He wouldn't understand. So, yep. I just continued to let him believe my computer was fixing to blow up. What?!? Like you wouldn't have done the same thing???}

Happy Friday!

Hope your weekend is just one big ball of Fire-y Fun.

[I think I'll go buy some hairspray.]

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